lightdm/slick-greeter change background

I have a HIDPI screen and would like to switch from lightdm-gtk-greeter to lightdm-slick-greeter to accommodate that. When Lightdm comes up at login there is an option in the top right corner of screen; Use High Definition". I tried running it with `lightdm --test-mode` and it sorta worked. by distro creators". Using lightdm + slick greeter can avoid this, rendering it back to the key-in username type. When the Shell locks, it transfers control to GDM, which handles the session unlocking. greeter-session=lightdm-webkit2-greeter to greeter-session=slick-greeter and change in lightdm-settings wallpaper Expected behaviour when i change background image in lightdm-settings at login screen display my chosen one not from desktop. Next, as root open mousepad again# mousepad /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf This file will not exist, so mousepad will create itadd the following lines to slick-greeter.conf: [Greeter]draw-grid=falsebackground=/usr/share/backgrounds/xfce/blue-mystic-logo.png change background= to whatever background file you desire. Change the background image Change the logo Select the GTK theme to be used Select the icon theme to be used It is not normally run by a user, but can run in a test mode with the --test-mode option. Nothing 'sticks'. Nice as it is, yet I wanted at some point to change the wallpaper . Dec 14, 2019. caesar96 There are more options here. If the lightdm greeter's background is using the symlink (debian 8 and below), the best way is to find some images that you like from /usr/share/images/desktop-base/, then use update-alternatives to change the desktop-background group: update-alternatives --config desktop-background Changing backgrounds is going to be as easy as changing the theme, simply add (or replace) the following lines in the same above config file : 1 background=/PATH/TO/FILE Modified Config File To Change LightDM Theme And Background In the above example, I have used the James Webb Space Telescope image as my background and Dracula as my theme. caesar96 likes this. Remove lightDm and slickgreeter Code: Select all apt purge lightdm lightdm-settings slick-greeter && sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdm Finally reboot and keep your fingers crossed.. Edit 1 - to change gksu package link sources for gksu from artful to xenial. 5.1.3 Multiple keyboard layouts in lightdm-gtk-greeter 5.2 Changing background images/colors 5.2.1 GTK greeter 5.2.2 Webkit2 greeter 5.2.3 Unity greeter 5.2.4 Slick Greeter 5.3 Changing your avatar 5.4 Sources of Arch-centric 64x64 icons 5.5 Enabling autologin 5.6 Enabling interactive passwordless login 5.7 Enabling guest sessions 6 add XDMCP chooser to LightDM greeter. To set the greeter to lightdm-kde-greeter type the following command in a terminal: sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --greeter lightdm-kde-greeter If you are in a root console or have Xephyr installed, you may check your set up using the built in testing function. 12 comments 90% Upvoted Using the GUI make this very simple. The fact is today both lightdm and lightdm-gtk-greeter received updates, and this fixed background's problems even with original images and config. It is run by the LightDM daemon if configured in lightdm.conf. This allows the interface to be tested without installing an updated version. Slick Greeter is a LightDM greeter for all desktops. But Mint have opted not to use the Unity Greeter as their front-end for LightDM, citing "its close ties with Unity, GNOME, Ubuntu and indicators". 5 Add Source .bashrc on login. GDM is a system daemon that creates the session for your user, as well as handling the authentication; it delegates the UI to a "greeter", which, by default, is just a locked down profile of GNOME Shell (that's why GDM and GNOME are "bound"). 7 lightdm-slick-greeter "preferred . # lightdm gtk+ configuration # available configuration options listed below. It currently uses whatever background I set as desktop background, and doesn't listen to any configuration in the /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf, this is what it's currently set to: [greeter] background=/home/illidan/Pictures/bg.png login lightdm gtk When I restarted the computer, It hung at boot. Hello, I wanted to change the background of the login screen in ubuntu 18.04 using gnome flashback (compiz). Open terminal and type lightdm-settings Type password and a menu will appear. lightdm --test-mode I then used Ctrl + Alt + F2 to go to tty2, and ran reboot. It is not normally run by a user, but can run in a test mode with the --test-mode option. Right click and paste it there. OPTIONS -v, --version Show release version. It is run by the LightDM daemon if configured in lightdm.conf. I'm now trying to install many different things, like compiz, awesome, enlightenment, lightdm and others, so can't be sure. I chose lightdm + KDE plasma and then installed slick greeter with "sudo apt install slick-greeter", then I went to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and uncommented/changed "greeter-session=slick-greeter", rebooted, everything was working fine. Close menu. It is run by the LightDM daemon if configured in lightdm.conf. 2) Using sudo to copy the file to /usr/share/backgrounds everytime I want to change my wallpaper is impractical. I then used lightdm-settings to set the background and logo to the .png images in the /etc/bgs/ folder. Install the greeter and the configuration tool: pamac install lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings. There is always a solution to any problem with Linux MINT. Navigate to the image file and then right click and copy, then navigate to "Other Location" > Computer > usr > share > pixmaps. Greeter-session=lightdm-slick-greeter The slick-greeter ships with a working configuration file but you can optionally run the 'Login Window' (lightdm-settings) application and customize the greeter in many ways. Description. 2 Tap to click using touchpad not working. Then save the file. This allows the interface to be tested without installing an updated version. Users can create and modify /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.conf, settings in this files take priority and overwrite dconf settings. I will fixed that - however the only real difference in the greeter display is the border on the password input box. 3 Cursor size in lightdm-gtk-greeter. Can't figure out how to change the background in LightDM I've tried to change it using lightdm greeter settings and it stayed the same as before. I had upgraded from 16.04 and at the very beginning I had some problems with gdm3, which I purged and substituted with lightdm. greeter It is not normally run by a user, but can run in a test mode with the --test-mode option. Slick Greeter is a LightDM greeter for all desktops. I thought it was a display manager itself but I think now its a variation of Lightdm. Problem is im trying to find a config file in /etc/lightdm to change or edit to actually implement it. How do I go about changing the background of the login screen? Slick Greeter is a LightDM greeter for all desktops. This brings up the background you have chosen in the login window of the mint settings. VtPoet Level 3 Posts: 126 sudo -i. nautilus. You may only log in as yourself. # # background=background file to use, either an image path or a color (e.g. OPTIONS -v, --version Show release version. I decided that I wanted to try lightdm slick-greeter instead of the installed gtk greeter in an attempt to get a transparent login box so I installed slick-greeter and changed my lightdm.conf to reflect the change. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Seems to work every time. 4 light-locker screen black. Perhaps this has been what you have been doing and I just missed the whole conversation. I have downloaded the slick-greeter and lightdm-settings, but I need to know what steps are involved to switch from one to the other. So now you have two different backgrounds for login and for the usual work desktop. Do not use sudo! OPTIONS -v, --version Show release version. Then I tried to change it via the greeter.conf file with user-background = background=/usr/share/pixmaps/1.jpg but the stupid old flower background stays. I'd like it to change the background presented by LightDM when I turn the computer on too, however: 1) Using an image on /home means that LightDM won't be able to read it unless I'm logged in. You will find the output of a few commands below, as well as a . Instead, they've created a fork of it called Slick-Greeter. (Info in link below)after several vain attempts to configure it. I get what you mean by the greeter not having gtk-themes-breath as dependency.. It is not normally run by a user, but can run in a test mode with the --test-mode option. Scroll down to the line that begins with "background" - it should look like this: Open lightdm greeter settings and browse the Background image to the one in /usr/share/pixmaps. The default greeter of lightdm is unity-greeter, which shows the beaver in the login screen. Distributions should set their own defaults using a glib override. This is sort of a security risk. LightDM is a very lightweight login manager that comes pre-installed on many distributions that have low resource consuming desktop environments, like XFCE, MATE or Cinnamon. The problem is that the correct login box is displayed but with no background image, only a black screen. Slick Greeter is a LightDM greeter for all desktops. If you want to change the LightDM login screen background, all you have to do is edit a file and enter the path to the new background: 1. Install:sudo apt install slick-greeteredit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.confOPTIONAL:add /etc/lightdm/slick-greeter.confTwitter: Trying SparkyLinux (rolling) with the MATE desktop for the first time. Am I missing something? Next I uncommented the line "greeter-hide-users=false", rebooted, and then the background image disappeared. Thanks! I close the terminal first with ctrl c then exit. #772953), set before wallpaper is seen # draw-user-backgrounds=whether to draw user backgrounds (true or false) # draw-grid=whether to draw an It is run by the LightDM daemon if configured in lightdm.conf. (lightdm-gtk-greeter). Ubuntu Tweak will allow you to do many things, including: Set whether guest access should be enabled. First, you'll need to click the "Unlock" button and input your password, since these are system-level changes. sudo dpkg --install lightdm-webkit2-greeter_2.2.5-1+15.8_amd64.deb (obviously your filename might be different because of version numbers) all being well, lightdm webkit2 should now be installed 7) open the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf 8) find the entry called greeter-session= uncomment it and make it say greeter-session=lightdm-webkit2-greeter I changed the background photo to any in my user folder. --test-mode slick-greeter and lighdm-settings have same developers. It is the default display manager used in Ubuntu, and uses the Unity Greeter as the GUI front-end to it. This allows the interface to be tested without installing an updated version. The basic settings like background and themes of course look a bit boring but due to the customization features of Linux based distros, you can easily customize everything. I want to use slick-greeter in Fedora. Good luck! Open a terminal or press ALT + F2 and enter: 2. #772953) # background-color=background color (e.g. If it is not using the image, you can try. Installation A slick-looking LightDM greeter Configuration The default configuration is stored in dconf under the schema --test-mode Upon rebooting again, it worked correctly, and I got my background and logo. This allows the interface to be tested without installing an updated version. I couldnt really move my mouse on that window or type but the background was there. Im at a loss though, starting to get frustrated. To do so, dnf install lightdm slick-greeter systemctl stop gdm (or whatever dm you are using) systemctl disable gdm edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm,conf, change greeter-session to greeter-session=slick-greeter 1 When do lightdm greeters block autologin in which cases and why? --test-mode as the title indicates, whenever lightdm starts the background is black, even though I have changed the path in greeter conf to the image I want to have as my login background. Installed slick-greeter (for lightdm) from repos.

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lightdm/slick-greeter change background